week 2

Week 2 Discussion: Continue Your Discussion Critically Examining the Literature This week, we will discuss how to critically examine peer-reviewed literature. First, access the Capella University Library database and select a peer-reviewed journal article on a topic...


Write a 6-page work on a substance abuse topic. Select a specific aspect of substance abuse, conducting thorough research, and presenting your findings in a clear and organized manner. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started. 1. Select a focused topic...

ag flyer

Create a Flyer to advertise the type of substance abuse group you chose for your powerpoint presentation. Both your powerpoint presentation and flyer must be the same substance abuse treatment group submitted in your group proposal assignment. Include the following on...


Final Written Assignment Content Abstinence Exercise and work: This exercise is designed to help the student (which is you) experience some of the feelings/thoughts that addicted individuals experience when they quit their drug or behavior of choice. This exercise...