
  Read chapters I, II, and III (Introduction, Graphing Distributions, and Summarizing Distributions) in the online textbook. Watch the videos and powerpoints that go with each chapter. Review the following articles and websites found in the resources for...


  You are tasked as the Cyber Security Director at your new organization with getting a new policy in place with your insurance company to cover any potential cybersecurity issues. In order to obtain this policy, you have to provide the insurance company with a...


Prepare a discussion post that answers the following questions: Describe a decision you have made in the past that you later understood was influenced by bad data. If you cannot recall such a decision, then look for an example of a public official who has done so....

Implementing a Health Program

Utilizing resources such as interviews of key staff and web searches, compile your observations about the program into a 5- to 8-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. Your presentation must include the following: The name of the program, where it is located...

Beginning of Life Reflection

  After studying the course materials located on Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources page, reflect on the topic you are learning about this week.  What have your experiences been in your line of work regarding these concepts? What can you apply to...