Beginning of Life Reflection

  After studying the course materials located on Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources page, reflect on the topic you are learning about this week.  What have your experiences been in your line of work regarding these concepts? What can you apply to...


 Health informatics, along with new and improved technologies and procedures, are at the core of all quality improvement initiatives. Data analysis begins with provider documentation, researched process improvement models, and recognized quality benchmarks. All...


  This week's discussion topic is Cybersecurity Policy Effectiveness Instructions: Discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the Social Engineering policy you addressed in Week #7 in terms of achieving its objectives.


  Read chapters I, II, and III (Introduction, Graphing Distributions, and Summarizing Distributions) in the online textbook. Watch the videos and powerpoints that go with each chapter. Review the following articles and websites found in the resources for...